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Today was a day filled with mixed emotions. People ready to get back home to their daily routine, their families and friends, and at the same time not wanting to leave the fabulous Filipino people, the ability to change so many lives, etc. Today our final patients were discharged from the hospital by the local Dr. Hilario. In speaking with one of the supervising hospital nurses, all the patients did really well and were able to return to their homes. At night a few of us joined the incredible Rotary Club of Kalibo as they hosted the Rotary Group Study Exchange team from Boston, Mass. It was a fun way to close our final evening in Kalibo. Tomorrow we will head to the airport en route to our homes. We do so with a mix of joy and longing to remain; all of us grateful for the experience, many of us as transformed as the people we helped and will leave behind. We will carry them in our hearts and memories as we know we will remain in theirs. Posted by Rev. Talon S. Windwalker, NHD, visual aide/community outreach
A brand new face, the day after
Edgar's surgery went extremely well. We had a wait in the OR while they brought in a new oxygen tank, and so the nurses kept him entertained, and kept his eyes off the procedure going on just feet from his table. It was amazing to watch gifted hands create new lips for Edgargo, whose nickname is Ian. Dr. Hilario, a local ENT, had scrubbed in for the procedure and proved to be yet another fortuitous event. While closing, Dr. Samman, the primary surgeon, wanted to use sutures that wouldn't absorb so that the cosmetic effect was even better. However, none of our team will be here in a week for the suture removal. Dr. Hilario, who is also the vice president of the Aklan Medical Soceity, without hesitation offered to do the suture removal so Edgardo's surgery could be just that much more effective.
Edgardo had touched many people on our team, and everyone was so excited for him. I can't tell you how exciting it was to walk onto the ward today and see Edgardo resting without a mask or bandana! He was very happy with his new look. Edgardo's little cousin, Lila, also had a procedure yesterday to repair a cleft lip.
His story got even more interesting as we listened to his "auntie" (a lady who helps care for him but is of no blood relation) relate more of his story. Children at school had started pulling on the bulky lips. Edgardo is an orphan now and lives with some cousins. Edgardo fishes and works all day to try to help the family he lives with. He wants desperately to go to school to learn. Someone stepped up to the plate and will sponsor him financially to help provide a better life for him. It is amazing how many things have suddenly come together for him. And it is so wonderful to see the smiles on the people who have flown from far and near to come help children like him as they watch just one of our many success stories leave the hospital.
Posted by Rev. Talon S. Windwalker, NHD, visual aide/community outreach